HomeRelationships20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think


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20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think


Have you ever been having a nice time with a longtime friend of yours, even your childhood playmate and he suddenly comes out of nowhere with an “I love you“?

You were having fun, laughing at a horrible joke one which you made, and then all of a sudden he gets serious and poured his heart out for you.

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How do you react? You didn’t have a clue how he felt?

And now you’re wondering how you could’ve missed the signs.

Well, you aren’t alone. Many women have been oblivious to men who have strong feelings for them.

But to be fair, sometimes when guys fall in love, they make it a bit hard to read them.

However, if you pay close attention to his actions, you could’ve probably guessed he was crushing on you.

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So, what you should do is keep an eye out around guys who do things like these, because they may actually be signs he loves you.

Here are 20 undeniable signs he has strong feelings for you.

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1. Fond of you

He has these feelings of affection for you. He enjoys seeing you and being around you, loves talking with you, and never gets tired of presence.


2. He shares a lot with you.20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

He asks you about your day, and he always tells you how his went. He wants to know about your life because you are a big part of it.

He tells you about his day, his troubles, his past, his dreams and his thoughts because you mean a lot to him, and you are already in his heart.

3. He makes an effort to stay in touch.20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

He shows you his love every morning by simply wanting to know if you slept well. He shows it every night by sending you a simple text with a goodnight kiss.

By doing these simple things, he is telling you that you are on his mind and that he couldn’t imagine his mornings or his nights without you in them.


4. He’s giving you his time.20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

Without you even having to ask for it. He always finds time to spend with you no matter how busy he is.

He is letting you know that you matter. You can clearly see that he can’t wait to be with you.

It doesn’t really matter what you are doing or for how long, as long as you are together it’s fun and happiness all the way.


5. He seems like he’s scared to tell you his true feelings about random subjects.

You’d be surprised at how many guys will also turn into total doormats around girls they like. If he regularly rolls over or backpedals, he’s way more into you than he lets on.


6. He seems to make a point out of being super chivalrous.

When a guy goes out of his way to treat you delicately, it’s usually for a special reason. If he regularly buys you drinks but doesn’t do the same for other girls, he might see you as more than just a friend.


7. When other girls are around him in your presence, he makes a point of distancing himself from them.

Guys will often make a point of showing who they want to be with, even if girls are already all over them.


8. When you two talk over the phone, there’s always a long pause. 20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

This goes hand in hand with the whole “wanting to say more” thing. When a guy is interested in you but feels like he has no chance, he often won’t know what to say. Ergo, he’ll start having awkward pauses.


9. He goes full Papa Bear on you.

If a guy is into you, there’s a very high chance that he’ll get protective or even a bit possessive of you. If you notice that he regularly gets macho around other guys, he might end up confessing his feelings for you.


10. You get the feeling he’s trying to impress you.20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

If someone has a crush on you, they will try to flaunt themselves around you.


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11. He looks forward to certain things in the future20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

He is talking about a concert or a movie premiere a few months from now. He is talking to you about the summer or winter holidays and where would you like to go.

He makes plans in advance even for a dinner date next week. He is making an effort to show you that he sees you by his side for the long run

12. Mutual friends point out that you two would be cute together.

When this happened with me and my close friend, I was pretty oblivious to the fact that my close friend probably asked female friends for help. But, yes, if other female friends of his gently nudge you towards him, he may be really into you.

13. When you two are alone, he’s clearly nervous.

Body language is a great indicator of nerves. Whether it’s turning beet red and choking on words, avoiding eye contact and squirming, or just having verbal diarrhea, most of the time, girls will know when guys are nervous around them.

Guys don’t get nervous from people they see as “just friends,” capiche?

14. He talks about you to other people.

If his friends and family already knew about you before you met them, that’s a sign that he was excited for you to meet them, meaning he’s excited about you being a part of his life. When meeting the people in his life goes smoothly (like they already know you), he’s got a thing for you.

15. He’ll smile a lot around you.20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think


If he has strong feelings for you, you will cause him to smile often. If you notice that he is almost always happy when you are around him, he could possibly be hiding his feelings of undying love for you is all I’m going to say.


16. He flirts naturally with you.

If a guy is into you and has developed feelings his flirting will be more smooth and natural because he pays attention to what you like and what rubs you the wrong way. The keyword here is “pays attention.” A guy doesn’t pay attention for no reason, I’m just saying.

Beware of this sign though because some guys are just natural flirts; it’s their personality.

17. He remembers the little things.

If a guy has feelings for you and I mean the string would die for you kind of feelings, he’ll remember the tiniest of details about you. Whether it’s how your eyes look in the sunlight or why you have a scar on your left knee.

He’ll remember that you don’t like the color yellow because it reminds you of your great Aunt Bertha who wore sickly yellow glasses that freaked you out when you were five. *cringes*

18. Your opinion matters and he respects you.20 Signs He Has Strong Feelings For You More Than You Think

He cares about your opinion, whether it’s about him or about the new ice cream flavor at Baskin Robbins. Whatever it is, your opinion is a top priority to him and he will listen to what you have to say. He will also respect your thoughts and boundaries.


19. He’ll use social media to stay in contact with you.

If a guy is into you social media may be able to tell you before he does. If he isn’t spending time with you, he’ll be on your social media. He’ll be super active and engaging by liking every post and commenting cheeky remarks.

If he’s always the first one to like your picture on Instagram, dude’s got it bad for you.


20. He is all about the little big things

He shows you he cares when he comes knocking on your door with take-out chicken soup while you are sick.

If he can’t do that, he’ll at least text to check up on you and see how you are doing.

He will remember all the stories you have told him. He will ask you things—private, personal things.

He will remember how you take your coffee and why you don’t like pineapples on pizza.

He will remember because he pays attention to the one he is in love with.


Please note that the messages contained in this article were not originally compiled by this author but were edited where necessary



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