
My Benin Girlfriend Threatened Me If I Break Up With Her – Man Cries

I told her I’m not comfortable with the relationship becos of the way she was flirting with other guys, before I finished talking she gave me

5 Places to Touch or Kiss a Man That Will Drive Him Wild

Just the fact that you’re willing to put in that effort is amazing because effort is key to building that connection with your guy.

Writer Explains Why Men Don’t Like Receiving Gifts From Women In Relationships

Sometimes in expectation for nothing. When things don't work out, they pack up and leave in dignity. No drama, no emotional blackmail, no victimhood Olympics.

Today’s Big Question: Is Flirting Really Harmless Fun?

I’ve heard many people say that essentially it’s ‘their’ fault. Or something like ‘If I flirt and they think there’s something there, it’s their fault. I said there isn’t.’

15 Types of Arguments That May Mean the End of Your Relationship

Without physical touch, you could create a feeling of rejection, which can lead to insecurity, resentment, anger, and rebellion." You didn't get married to become roomies or business partners.

Covid-19 Lock-down Wedding-Another Couple Hold Simple Ceremony

Just like many, they were in the process of planning their wedding and it dawned on them that coronavirus would be a real threat.

15 Ways You’re Causing Relationship Problems in Quarantine

"Of course, you'll get annoyed being quarantined, but does everyone need to know about it? Beware of airing your dirty laundry in public and putting down your partner,"

Should Couples Keep Secrets From Each Other?

I wouldn’t want to marry anybody insecure, but most people ARE insecure. Where does that leave you, EM? That depends on how much you value truth, honesty, and self-expression.

How To Handle Social Distancing From Your Partner & Not Feel Lonely

It sucks and you miss them, and it just isn’t the same when you’re not sharing a bed or seeing them in person. But, this is a necessary step we must take.

14 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong, Healthy and Happy

Think of your disagreement as a problem for you both to solve, not a fight for you to win.  Think of saying “we” before giving in to the temptation of casting blame on the other person.