HomeJzhane From The Blog20 Reasons Why You keep Falling In Love With The Wrong Guy

20 Reasons Why You keep Falling In Love With The Wrong Guy


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20 Reasons Why You keep Falling In Love With The Wrong Guy

Falling in love is sweet especially with the right guy. Ladies often fall for the wrong guy. Initially, it all seems to be like a dream come true but soon they find that the person is a big fl*rt. At the end, women land up feeling hurt. Their quest for true love exhausts them and eventually, they start to lose faith in love. This happens because women are comparatively more vulnerable than men.

Women need to zero down why they constantly fall for the wrong guy. They need to make their priorities clear to have a good relationship. So, Lively Stones Relationship Blog have compiled some factors that are responsible for falling for the wrong person in your life.

Below are 20 Reasons why you keep falling in love with the wrong guy.

  1. Identify your personal standards immediately, if you don’t already have a set of guidelines in place. Make a note of the aspects of your prior relationships that caused you to be unhappy. Jot down a list of all the things that have brought you joy. Finally, make a list of the characteristics you are looking for in a potential partner.

You should be able to figure out what your requirements are based on the information in this list. If you stick to them rather than going out with the first person who comes along, you will see a significant improvement in your dating prospects.
It is possible to say “yes” to the connections that bring you serenity and joy while saying “no” to the relationships that do not.

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  1. You believe that you can make your relationship more satisfying. There will be issues with everyone you date, but rather than brushing them aside, analyses them carefully and ask yourself, “Will I still be cool with this in a few years?” This question will put you in a better position to either get out of a poor relationship or enjoy a fantastic one if you can answer it honestly and openly.

Nobody can save you until you’re ready for a new relationship, and no one can save you until you’re ready for a new relationship. Making yourself busy will only serve to delay the resolution of your difficulties and living someone else’s perfect life will never make you happy.
Rather than seeing a relationship as a chance to drown your spouse in your difficulties, consider it a source of joy and good connection. You’ll be a better spouse as a result, and you’ll attract better people as well.

  1. If you’re in a relationship and recognize that it’s travelling down the same path as previous ones, you may stop the downward spiral and avoid another awful conclusion. Your bad dynamics in your relationship are almost certainly the result of your and your partner’s collaborative efforts.


  1. Apart from finding true love, you don’t have any goal or aim in your life. You still haven’t found your need in life and are still a confused soul. Hence, you tend to rush towards any guy who shows a little affection for you. So, try to find your aim in life and work hard to achieve the goal. This will make you more confident.
  2. Often you can sense that the person on your life is not genuine and he is playing with you. Still, you try to stick to that fake bonding just with the hope that you can finally change him. Eventually, your relationship ends, and you feel hurt.
  3. We tend to get attracted to those things that we are familiar with. So, women often end up falling for the same type of person.

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  1. Always keep in mind that it is never too late to terminate or end a bad marriage or relationship. If you failed to see the warning signs, rushed the process, and are now in a toxic relationship, take the necessary steps to end the relationship.
  2. You’re not infatuated with your own person. Nobody will love you unless you first learn to love yourself. That statement may come across as harsh, yet it is based on the facts. Because if you don’t love and accept yourself as you are, you’ll never be able to find the love you deserve. Without facing your demons and healing your emotional wounds, you will not be able to love someone fully and unconditionally.
    You don’t want to be on your own for long.

One of the most common mistakes people make while looking for love is getting into a relationship solely because they’re lonely, according to statistics. The desire for true love or the fear of being alone are never the driving forces behind it. A solid reason to enter a relationship simply because everyone else is doing so is never a good one, and it will only make you feel more alone in the long run.

  1. You haven’t moved on from what happened in the past. On paper, rebound relationships appear to be entertaining, but you’re constantly at risk of falling in love with the individual, even if they’re not interested in you in the first place. To move on from a prior relationship, it is not a good idea to get into a new relationship. You may appear to be fine for a few days, but the consequences of your unaddressed difficulties will eventually manifest themselves.
  2. You jump from one relationship to the next with lightning speed. You don’t give yourself enough time to complete your tasks. It’s past time to figure out who you really are. Now is the time to consider what you truly desire in a romantic companion. It’s time to grieve and heal from this experience. It’s time to relax and enjoy yourself. Alternating between several partners does not ensure that you will find the right one for you in the long run. Take some time to ponder this issue further.


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  1. You chose a mate exclusively based on their physical appearance. Obviously, I’m not suggesting falling in love with someone who doesn’t pique your interest in the first place. I’m trying to convey the idea that outer appearances should not be the most crucial consideration. When it comes to dating, personality should be taken into consideration. So, if you had to choose between someone who is extremely attractive but mistreats you and someone who is diametrically opposed to that person, who would you choose? Remove yourself from the chemistry for a moment.
  2. You tend to fall in love with people who are emotionally unavailable to you. Someone in a long-distance relationship who already has a partner, who is only interested in s*x, and who expresses love via texting is a bad example… No matter how much they profess to love you, you’ll always be the second choice in their eyes. You’re far more than that, in fact.
  3. You feel special when he excites and thrills you. But that doesn’t mean he is the perfect partner for your life.
  4. Ignoring all red flags, you tend to overthink and create new imagination which doesn’t have any connection with the reality.



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  1. You are unable to articulate your desires. To attract the type of person you want to attract, it is critical that you are conscious of your own feelings and thoughts. Take a good look at yourself from the inside out. Unless you know what, you want and need, you’ll always attract the incorrect type of person, regardless of your intentions. And that’s a disaster in the making.

You appear to be drawn to males who are apprehensive about commitment, which may be tied to your own apprehension about the prospect of being committed. Many people are unable to comprehend this, and as a result, they continue to reject potential partners that are suitable for them.

  1. Despite all indications to the contrary, you have a proclivity to overthink and conjure up fantasies that have little to do with reality.


  1. You’re being hunted by the characters in the play. Whether you created it, enjoy being around it, or are merely a magnet for it, there are several possibilities. Your daily existence is surrounded with drama, regardless of the situation. It will unavoidably find its way into your romantic relationships.
  2. You don’t believe that you are deserving of anything better in life. Because you don’t believe you’ll be able to discover a better match, you keep choosing the incorrect partner. Even worse, you don’t believe you are deserving of a more compatible companion. When you realize that you are deserving of nothing less than the best, you will be able to discover her.

You don’t like to be alone at all. Psychologists say, women, who enjoy their own company and love independence, generally don’t fall for the wrong guy easily. This is because they know how to fulfil their life in a better way by themselves.

  1. You tend to choose men with commitment issues may be because you have that fear of commitment. And often people cannot understand that and so they keep rejecting good partners.
  2. You don’t have any goals and priorities when you get in a relationship. You don’t know what you want from a real bonding and what qualities you are expecting for in your partner.

Please note that the messages contained in this article were not originally compiled by this author but were edited where necessary.



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