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True Life Story: My Fiancé’s Cousin Continues To Embarrass Me With Our Little Secret


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True Life Story: My Fiancé’s Cousin Continues To Embarrass Me With Our Little Secret

Hi Lively Stones,

I want to remain anonymous. There is this guy that is trying to embarrass me, please advise me. I am the 4th child in a family of six. I have always been timid and because of that, my books were mostly my friends from day one. I found it hard to make friends. I was teased and bullied in college alot. Even my siblings bullied me. It did not help that I also wore thick eye glasses. I was very into myself when I got into university. My routine was either class or fellowship or my hostel.

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While in the uni, guys hardly looked at me or showed interest in me. Maybe cos I was not the flashy or outgoing type too. The only guy who showed interest was my room mate’s boyfriend, he wanted to have S** with me cos he was a spoilt brat who teased me about being a virgin Mary … I always ran away from him. Then came my final year, as we were rounding up, there were alot of graduation parties going on and I was invited by some of my classmates but I refused all of them.

Then came Jonathan, our class rep, he told me that I must come for his party and that he will not take no for an answer. I told him I would try and come but I will only stay for an hour. He agreed. So that day, I went for the party, I felt so out of place. I was hiding somewhere at the back but Jonathan saw me and dragged me out to come and dance. I was so shy I wanted the ground to open and swallow me. I decided to leave shortly.

That was when I realized that there was no transport out of the estate where Jonathan’s party was. I took a taxi there and I did not plan with any taxi to come and pick me. So, I started to trek towards the estate gate. Many cars passed by and none stopped….until one stopped and offered me for a ride….I was getting tired of trekking so I agreed to enter the car. This guy introduced himself as Jaden. He said he had noticed me in school, he was in department of electrical engineering, I was in Chemical engineering.

Jaden was fascinated that I was such a shy person, he said he wanted to be my friend when I told him I was graduating from school in a few weeks. Jaden offered to take me to my hostel and after that, he kept in touch for the next couple of days. He would call and we talked on phone. He was my first real friend, male friend for that matter. He quizzed me about my love life and I told him I never been kissed or being in a relationship. Jaden convinced me that I should not graduate from school as a virgin, cos that is embarrassing.

ALSO READ:How I Lost My Virginity After Three Years Of Engagement & Waiting

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I told him I have never had a boyfriend talk less or having S**….Jaden pretended to be my friend or like me, that I agreed to have S** with him before I graduated. That day, was the worst day of my life. Jaden disvirgined me….soon as he was done, he got up and left me in my blood and since that day, never spoke to me again. It made me feel like something was wrong with me cos I thought we were friends but he dropped me like a plague and even told me never to speak to him again.

That was almost six years ago. Two years ago, I met Caleb, he met me at a fund raiser event. We became friends and things got serious. We got engaged towards the end of last year. In February, Caleb invited me to his Uncle’s 60th birthday. He wanted to use that opportunity for me to meet most of his family members. It so happened that one of his cousins who he claims is one of his favorite cousins was Jaden from my former uni…same Jaden who disvirgined me and has refused to speak to me after. The party was for Jaden’s father.

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Jaden pretended not to know me when we were introduced but later at the event…he cornered me and asked me what I am doing with his cousin….and he had the nerve to ask me if  I tracked him down so he can give me round two of S** after what happened in uni…he then mocked me and told me he was never interested in me because he only slept with me cos he was involved in a bet with my university class rep, that he would sleep with me before we all graduated. That everyone was calling me virgin Mary behind my back. I never felt so humiliated.

I cursed this bloody motherfucker of a Jaden boy and I avoided him throughout the party. Anytime he tried to make eye contact with me…I avoided his eyes cos he was just mocking me all the time. I could not tell Caleb my fiancé but I do not ever want to confront this his favorite cousin ever. Just this weekend, Caleb and I were chilling and he told me that he has decided that Jaden will be his best man at the wedding which is in June this year.

Since Caleb told me that Jaden will be his best man, I have been having panic attacks since that time. I have been very very worried and uneasy. I really h*te Jaden …the thought of him mocking me throughout my wedding day is giving me serious panics. I don’t know how much I can take this….I have also wondered what Caleb will think when he finds out his favorite cousin was the first guy I ever slept with….

I am still having panic attacks thinking about all this. I don’t know what to do…should I ignore Jaden and hope my secret is safe with him cos his mocking me, is making me think….what if he tells Caleb…will that make any difference….I know Caleb, he might feel embarrassed…maybe too embarrassed like me or will he dislike me after finding out the truth or will he be understanding of me? After all, it happened when we did not know each other. I h*ate to think this might affect my relationship one way or another and that scares me because I love Caleb, he is the only man I have truly loved in my entire life.

Should I beg Jaden not to say anything to Caleb? At least, for Caleb’s sake…Will he agree to let the past be in the past? Or should I take my chances by telling Caleb about my horrible first S** with his favorite cousin six years ago?

Do you have a story to share? We want to hear all about it. Email us at [email protected] or Whatsapp +2348029870309

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A passionate people and godly relationship advocate!...Trained Psychologist and Human Resources Practioner. A seasoned Marriage and relationship counsellor. A mother, wife, sister, friend and daughter. J


  1. Stay Calm for now and see how these will play out. Watch and pray fervently because you informing your wouldbe husband about what happens 6 years ago will automatically hide the wedding bells as they will be no wedding at all with him. Live with absolute peace and don’t give the guy an impression you are afraid of him else he will use emotional blackmail to have his way again and again. The deed has been already as you don’t need to kill yourself. God bless you.

  2. Face your fear. Tell your fiance everything after all everyone has a past. That boy will never let you be. It’s either you free yourself now or be in bondage forever.wish you well

  3. You have to tell Caleb everything and I know he will understand,don’t beg Jayden to keep any secret. Tell Caleb every damn thing.

    I wish you success in your wedding and marriage with Caleb, congratulations!

  4. Tell your fiancé what happened between you and Jaden six years ago and how the experience left you traumatized. Tearfully tell him how the feeling has come back at seeing his cousin again. It’s better the story comes from you first than you having to defend yourself after the cousin tells him a twisted version. Blackmail is a terrible experience and it’s worse if the victim is put on the side of defense.
    Pray and commit the heart of your fiancé to God’s hands before telling him and I believe the good Lord will make him understand and act on your side.
    Congratulations in advance

  5. Tell your fiance, if you don’t you will never be at peace and that stupid, good for nothing , wicked, Unfortunate guy will be happy …. it is better you tell your fiance and be free and let him know how animalistic his cousin his or you cover it up for him. You did nothing wrong you were mislead and God does have mercy on his own.


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