HomeAdviceTrue Life Story: Why I Have Suspicions About My Husband's New Behavior

True Life Story: Why I Have Suspicions About My Husband’s New Behavior


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True Life Story: Why I Have Suspicions About My Husband’s New Behavior

Hello Lively Stones,


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(This story contains content not suitable for individuals below 18 years. Parental Guidance Is Advised).

Please keep me anonymous. This issue is a little embarrassing for me, but I need to talk to someone cos my head is going crazy with all kinds of suspicious thoughts about my husband. We have been married for eleven years with two boys who are 10 and 9 years old. Things have gone smoothly in the marriage except for about five years ago when my husband cheated with someone in his office.

It was a difficult time but because we loved each other so much, we were able to move past those tough times. I cant say I don’t trust my husband cos its hard to trust someone who once betrayed you. So, I try not to dwell on the past but move on for my own sanity. But recently, my mind has been telling me something is up with my husband. I just cant shake this suspicion off so easily.

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Why do I suspect my husband? He recently got a new job about seven months ago. Its with a very high paying job but the job makes him travel alot. Sometimes, he will travel twice in a month. And when is is away, I miss him alot. He also misses me and the boys alot. But, recently, I have noticed that every time my husband travels and he is coming back home, he will tell me to prepare for him (for knacking time) which makes me so happy cos it shows how much he misses me but the strange thing is, he will also tell me not to shower before he comes, that he wants to smell me my unclean vagina during s3x.

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When he said that, I was surprised cos he always likes me to have my bath, smell nice just before s3x especially if I am coming back from work. Now, he says he has a new fetish, to spice up our s3x life and that is, smelling my dirty vagina. That he wants it that way. Raw and primitive. He also asked me to stop shaving cos he prefers me like that now. And the fact is, when he comes, we really have intense s3x….he is like a bull…so energetic and so aggressive in s3x. I have asked him why the strange new fetish and he says he does not know but he just developed it suddenly.

So, while I feel very uncomfortable that I am not clean enough down there, especially with not having to shave… it seems to turn my husband on so very hard that I cant explain it. At first, I did not think much of it until I started wondering, could it be that my husband has picked up this fetish from someone else and wants me to be doing the same for him? You need to see the way he would sniff it to make sure its not clean, he would really get a kick out of it if its sweaty or smelly or slimy…he seems to like so much to give me head recently…

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I find this very strange….how did my husband became this way? Is this a bad sign? Sometimes, when is he coming home, he would even start telling me to smell myself and tell him how I smell…that is not so bad, I think I have heard people do it but for him to develop this strange likeness for V smells is my main worry. What is going on? I have asked him several times and he would be like…woman, stop stressing me, I like what I like.

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Another suspicion I have is, what if he is suspecting me of cheating? Is this smelling my V a way of trying to test if I have been with someone else? Why does it turn him on so much? Are there men who like their wives like that too? I don’t know if I am thinking this thing too far. I love my husband and I don’t want to loose him but I am afraid that something is going on and I don’t want to miss any signs that he is cheating again…if that is true that he is cheating…I don’t know how I can survive this marriage.

Please advise me….do you think my husband’s weird s3x behavior is strange or what? Is he also suspecting me of anything? What do you think? I am so full of suspicions that I cant breathe well. Help me.


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  1. Dear poster

    Hard to say, but just in case, If I were you I would watch and take notice of any other signs that are out of the norm for him.

    Some men who have cheated, will change how often they have sex with their wives and may even be a little different when they do. I wouldn’t say anything, just pay attention, just in case. Hopefully there is nothing to worry about best wishes .

  2. He may have been getting it or has got it from somewhere else and is using the boost to his ego to improve your sex life – watch out for other signs!

  3. This is definitely not normal.it is either he practiced this with someone or someone somewhere is teaching and influencing him. Why so much change, why the dirtiness? Something is fishy but can your emotions handle it? If you snoop you will find the reasons. Stop asking him because he won’t tell you the truth.
    I think there should be a limit to everything. So let him know your limits and how you feel about these changes, don’t just tag along because this will generate more ‘innovatve ideas and fantasies’.
    Hygiene is important to avoid infections and the likes

    • It came from the cheating, it’s a spiritual something, and guess what if you don’t do it as he asked he would become violent, he has been possessed, demons like smelly , dirty things, it’s a ritual for sex. Madam you need serious prayers for you n him.

  4. Dear poster I feel you should sincerely Ask your husband what he wants and the reasons for doing so. You also can Tell him what you want if you’re not comfortable with it. You should Tell him what you think you may not want.

    Let the both of you have this conversation this time calmly and responsibly so as to conclude on your expectations in the relationship best wishes.

  5. Dear poster

    Try having an open calm conversation. Sometimes when there is no dialogue in the home, people start dying on the inside. Start small. Pray for him and ask God to reveal the hidden things. If your heart is pure, it wont take long. You will find out why.


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