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True Life Story: How I Let A Stupid Childish Blood Oath Ruin My Life


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True Life Story: How I Let A Stupid Childish Blood Oath Ruin My Life

Dear Lively Stones,

Please hide my identity. I need advise, I made a vow with my ex many years ago. It was actually an innocent blood oath back then in secondary school, in SS3. We vowed not to leave each other for life. And so we dated from SS3 through to Tertiary. I got pregnant in my final year and had a baby boy. My parents were disappointed cos they felt I was wasting my life with this boy who came from a poor background with nothing to offer me.

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In truth, my ex, Bayo came from very humble beginnings….from a very large polygamous home that the parents could hardly cater for their children. It was his mom who struggled to make sure Bayo and his siblings went to school. And so, life was very hard for them. Getting pregnant, we both had no job so our parents had to be supporting us but it was not easy at all. The financial stress was getting too much.

Bayo studied engineering but he could not get a job so he decided to start his own auto shop. The shop was doing fairly well but the boys working with him were fraudulent, took his clients away from him…he was not making much. I was also unable to get a job so I took to buying and selling. After almost 3 years after we both left school, we were still struggling to make ends meet.

Then the pressure began to get to Bayo, he was told that he made a mistake by making a blood oath with him. That I am not his wife, that is why he is struggling to make ends meet. His mother pressured him to send me away. Eventually, our quarrels got so bad that Bayo said it in my face several times, that I am the cause of his misfortune. This triggered me so much that I decided to leave him for good.

I left my son with my mom and went to Lagos, to go live with my Auntie. I learnt hair business from my Aunt and under one year, I opened my own shop where I was doing well. That was where I met Anthony, my husband. Anthony is wealthy…he used to bring his girlfriend to buy hair from me but the girl later duped him…we got dating and got married the next year. By the grace of God, I have been married for almost 3 years now. And since I got married, I have been having miscarriages here and there.

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This situation has got me questioning what is happening. Married but no children. Then I had a dream where I saw myself many years ago, when I was taking blood oath with my ex. This made me seek spiritual interpretation and it was confirmed that I swore in my oath, not to bear any man’s children except my ex. The oath, I was told cannot be broken except my ex dies. Now, I am confused and frustrated on what to do. I went to my ex and baby daddy to speak to him on how we can find a solution to this.

My ex was also very sad cos he said he has been told that he cannot find love in any other woman except me. Yet, a prophecy also stated that I am not his real wife, that I going to be the cause of his downfall. That day, we both cried at how our ignorance has affected our future now. We both started feeling each other and ended up having s3x. Exactly two months later, I got pregnant. I knew it was for Bayo. That was when it dawned on me, that if I cannot have a child unless Bayo dies, I might as well have Bayo’s children…but its not for my husband….

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My husband was elated when he saw I was pregnant….he did not let me do anything during the pregnancy. I did not tell Bayo or him who is the father of the baby. Eventually, I have birth to a girl who reminds me of Bayo everyday…she looks so much like him. The guilt has been consuming me like mad. I know I cannot confess to my husband…he would probably send me packing. Should I just leave the marriage by myself?

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I don’t understand why life is showing me shege…Bayo and I have released each other from that oath yet it seems we are still stuck together….we probably still love each other but we are not good for each other. So are both to remain unmarried now for the rest of our lives? Has anyone been in a similar situation like this before? What do you advise that I do about it? I mean, its proof I may not be able to have children for any man except Bayo.

I need your help and advise please.


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A passionate people and godly relationship advocate!...Trained Psychologist and Human Resources Practioner. A seasoned Marriage and relationship counsellor. A mother, wife, sister, friend and daughter. J


  1. Dear poster,you people didn’t know what you were entering into when you took the oath,you were sent to school to learn but both of you chose to fall in love to the extent of taking an oath….

    Anyways, without talking too much, kindly leave the marriage,there won’t be any point having Bayo’s children in your marriage, allowing your innocent husband to train Bayo’s children in his home is very bad. …

    Quietly leave the marriage with Bayo’s daughter and wait for Bayo to die before you can remarry or you remain single and train your children (the boy and girl),thank God you have a salon that’s fetching you money,don’t allow your husband suffer for what he knows nothing about,I believe you’ve conscience

    Please leave that marriage, there’s no point staying there,for three years in marriage ,you couldn’t conceive but just two months with Bayo, you conceived ….. You’re even cheating and bringing another man’s child in your marriage for your husband to train.. You’re worse than that your husband’s girlfriend(ex) that duped him ….

    Make God help you people to find solution to this problem ooooooo…. It’s well ooooo

  2. If I were you I would have been thinking of how to break the evil spell rather than making more babies with my ex lerebosh labash Lefufu, ishilove lalasticlala over to you in players

  3. You both dambled into something you knew nothing about and that ignorance didn’t excuse you from the consequences. It’s a great pity.
    What you both did was binding your spirits together and it will only take a spiritual exercise to free you.
    You need to intimate your husband about the situation. At this point, only being truthful can help you. There’s no need being secretive anymore. It’s a very serious matter.
    If you want to be free from this heart ache, you need to go for serious deliverance in a church that does deliverance.
    Go to God, the Father of spirits, to break the yoke that has bound you with Bayo. You can also tell Bayo to seek for the same solution. Only God can severe the bond you both ignorantly yoked yourselves into.
    As for the baby belonging to Bayo, I hope your husband forgives you and still be with you.

  4. Dear Poster,

    The same way you took the oath

    The same way you break it

    You spoke words as oath… with blood too

    So receive the salvation that came through the blood of Jesus Christ

    The blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel

    Than the blood that you and your ex shared

    So take the oath by confessing Jesus as your Lord and saviour

    Renounce every oath… And you will be free

    As for the baby with your ex… Come clean with your husband….He may forgive you after a while… But if he does not

    Accept your fate and start your life a fresh

    God’s speed madam!

  5. Leaving the marriage with someone’s children is the best thing to consider. If your man finds oit someday, it won’t be nice (now that DNA is common).

    I will advice you to be a single mom for ur ennocence years back till as they say “one person dies”.

    It’s good you have a business.

    God help you.

  6. Aunty. Go and tell your husband, he is not the father of the girl. Why did you visit your ex in a wrong place, why not in a public place and focus on the matter at hand.

    You must tell your husband, how you cheated and the girl is not his, please, go and do it. Tell your ex, he is the father. Go for deliverance, only the spiritual can solve it.

    To men, this is why we tell men, to marry only virgins, because you just don’t know what the woman is bringing in. Also, why we tell people to flee from fornication, abs wait till marriage to have sex, but we have chosen to do otherwise.

    Sister, do the needful. Seek spiritual help from a genuine man of GOD, tell your husband you cheated and he is not the father of the girl, tell your ex too.


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