HomeAdviceThe Woman I Have Done Introductions For Is Driving Me Crazy

The Woman I Have Done Introductions For Is Driving Me Crazy


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The Woman I Have Done Introductions For Is Driving Me Crazy 

Hello everyone,

‘my story is long but I will skip some to try to make it short, sorry for my grammatical error, I am not a writer and I am writing with pains and I might made some mistakes, please bear with me.

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I have been dating my wife to be since 2017, I have been taking care of her and everything, the truth is I was hearing some funny stuff about her since I met her but I didn’t take it serious because I trusted her and I really thought she was decent from every other girls.

When I met her, she told me she had only dated 3 boys for have s*x only three times, her first boyfriend and two other girls she met in school. I really believed her because she was acting decent.

At a point I began to suspect her when I started hearing some stuff about her but I didn’t pay attention because I trusted her, sometimes when I asked her if she ever dated some one else or cheating on me, she will just turn the whole thing to quarrel and I will just lock up.

Fast forward to 2020, I got her pregnant before I left Nigeria, we did introductions, but she lost the baby during child birth which was so painful to us, but after some month I begin to hear some news about her, and I confronted her and threatened her that I have proof, which she confess to me that she has dated about 3 boys, slept with them several times, she also bleeped 2 girls just once and they didn’t date, she just had crush on them and bleeped them before she met me, and she cheated on me when she found out I was chatting with my ex’s, she couldn’t bear the pains even after begging her, s*x her and still give her money to school, the same week she met a guy and bleeped him because she wanted to ease her pains, and 2019 when we had little quarrel, she met a guy and bleeped twice because she thought we broke up (what happened was that we had little argument and I have her money to sch and we didn’t talk for a week, that week she met a guy and stayed dated him because she thought we broke up).

I was heart broken when she told me, and I wanted to brk up, her parents begged me and they never supported her and they were even surprised she could do such thing because she came from a very decent background. I forgave her but I still have the pains in my heart, we always chat everyday, because of corona things are some how and I don’t have money like before, she begins to show me some attitude which is not really comfortable and I explain things to her and she apologized.

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So last month she told me since I left she have been having S.e.xual urge to sleep with a girl because she have been watching lesbian p*rn, that she promised never to cheat on me with a man and it’s taboo but she wanted to have s*x with a female, I was so shocked and didn’t know what to do. She said she just started having the strange feelings because she have been watching lesbian p*rn since I left, I feel like I don’t know anything about her, I wanted to brk up now because she is begging me and she is saying she is just trying to be truthful to me because she promised herself never to hide anything from me or lie to me. What should I do? Should I continue to be with her and marry her? Or run away? Mine she have never slept with a woman before and she has always hated lesbian but because I have been a way since feb 2020, she usually watch p*rn to help herself.

Pls what should I do?

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Source: Nairaland




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  1. This Lady is confused and needs help. Everyone makes mistakes but she can be redirected. Unfortunately you are far away from her so you can’t help her. Unless you marry her and relocate her then you can help her.

  2. Pray for her ,if you can lead her were she can get help there is nothing God cannot do….no matter how bad she is God can change her….

    But I’ll advice you drop issue of marriage with her let God lead you to the right place but this lady for now isn’t that woman…..please pray about who to.marry and be sure before you jump in…forever is to long to be unhappy…… Your children need a godly mother just think about that…….is she in that position to play that role?ask yourself such question…. God bless you


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