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True Life Story: Do I Tell My Friend That Both Of Us Have Feelings For The Same Guy?


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True Life Story: Do I Tell My Friend That Both Of Us Have Feelings For The Same Guy?

Dear Lively Stones,

My hands are shaking as I write this story. For the sake of transparency, let me say that I am not proud of what I am about to say because I have never fallen for a guy like this before. But I am at an emotional cross road right now, I just need advise on what to do. So, a few months ago, my colleague and I shared an in drive trip with this guy, we got talking during the trip and got to know that he has a car but his car was at mechanic that day. We all exchanged numbers and since that time, we started joining this guy after work, when ever he brought his car to work.

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My colleague and this guy flirted alot but I know my colleague has a fiancé while I was single. To be sincere, I liked the guy too but he seemed to have more interest in my colleague than me. Maybe cos she looks prettier than me. And of course, whenever they could, they started hooking up. I tried to ask my colleague why she was hooking up with someone when she is engaged, she would tell me that she cant help herself, that the guy seduces her and she cant help but fall for him.

Anyway, I left them have their parole, after all, they are both adults. This continued until last week, my friend went on leave and it was only me that was joining this guy after work. I was sure he never paid attention to me until a few days ago when it rained heavily and we were stuck in traffic trying to get home. Because we were in traffic for long, we had to start gisting really comfortably. Then he asked me if I wanted to stop by at his place, to have a weather for two time out since it was a rainy night.

I told him straight that I was not stopping cos I know he and my colleague are hooking up. He laughed and said, are you jealous, we are just having fun. Besides, your friend is engaged, so she can’t be angry if he is seeing anyone. That made me agree to stop by at his place. Maybe because I  have been single for so long but getting to this guy’s beautiful apartment, I was already getting wet. This guy was so romantic, he gave me his oversize shirt, asked me to shower while he made noodles for dinner.

After we ate, he went down to business and started foreplay that I have only experienced in movies. Now, I understood what my colleague was saying about she fell hard for him. This guy is a lover. He knew tricks and before we got to the main business, I had already had an orgasm. Things happened that night. I could not even bring myself to say I wanted to go home that night…it was from his place we both dressed to work.

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The next day was Friday, after work…we spent the night in his place again. I started being in my feelings. I asked why he was not in a steady relationship and he was like, he has not found any woman that meets his expectations. That most girls always throw themselves at him but he wants a girl who is not carried away by his charms or material things. I was like, this guy must be thinking am too easy to sleep with him.

The next day which was Saturday, I went back to my place in the morning. I could not stop thinking about him. And he too, couldn’t stop thinking of me cos eh called me in the evening to come over. But I was already feeling shy, like I gave myself too easy to him, so even though I wanted to say yes, I said no. He kept calling and texting on Sunday too, I still said no.

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On Monday, my colleague resumed work. After closing, we both joined Jason (the guy’s name) in his car and boy the silence was so awkward, only my friend was talking, trying to flirt but Jason ignored her. She wanted to go to his place but he told her no, that he was busy that evening. That evening, Funtola, my colleague called me to ask if I noticed that Jason was ignoring us, I said I did not notice. Meanwhile, Jason was texting and calling to know why I was refusing to see him, if he did or said anything wrong cos he is sorry and cant stop thinking about me.

To avoid Jason, I decided to stop following his ride after work, I took public transport.  Imagine my shock when I was at home a few hours later, Jason called that he was in my estate and that I should call security to let him in…….I was shocked but I wanted to know how serious he was if he could come to my estate. So he came, I sat in his car and he kept saying he was sorry if he said or did anything to upset me.

Then I told him that he made me feel like I gave in to him too easy and made me feel cheap, besides, I knew he was sleeping with my colleague and she is back now. Jason apologized and said he was wrong for saying those cheap things to me but since I have been avoiding him, he has not been himself. He said he wanted us to be steady, that he likes the fact that I am a regular girl and not a baddie like my colleague.

Like play, we gisted for almost 4 hours in his car. Then I invited him my apartment. We made out and I really wanted him so bad but I also did not want to seem like a baddie so I told him to stop, lets take things slow. He agreed, he left my place a few minutes to 12am. He called me when he got home and we talked until it was 3am before we both slept off. The next day at work, Funtola came to tell me that she  got feels Jason is dodging her cos he sent a message to her that he is no longer bringing his car to work, so he cant give her a lift anymore.

Funtola said she just broke up with her fiancé cos she wanted to focus on Jason. She was asking my advise, that she wants to go to Jason’s place after work, to tell him that she broke up with her guy so they can be together. She said she has to go to Jason’s place cos noticed Jason has blocked her. Funtola was asking for my advise, on what to do. That is why I am shaking…cos I know why Jason does not want to see Funtola anymore…its because of me…

My issue now is….when Funtola finds hut…how will she react? To know that she broke off her engagement for Jason but Jason does not want her but me? I told Funtola to go back to her fiancé but she said she is in love with Jason. Now, I told Jason and Jason has been hiding in my place after work so that Funtola will not come to his place. The next day, I see how Funtola is heartbroken cos she is missing Jason…I feel terrible for her…I feel bad cos it looks like Jason and me are lying to her.

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Should I be honest with her and tell her the truth? How will she take it? Or should I leave Jason alone…I don’t know if Jason’s feelings for me are 100%….he is such a fine boy and I feel sometimes, he will always be that bad boy who uses girls for fun…see how he used Funtola and dropped her….is he using me too? I hope I am not going to be one of those girls….but my feelings for Jason is getting stronger everyday….I feel like I can’t breather…just thinking about Jason.

Most importantly, I know this whole thing with Jason is so sudden to really know his intentions but Jason is really giving positive vibes, like…hes not even asking for s3x….he agreed to take things slow now…is that not a good thing? Yet again……how do I handle this Funtola situation until I am sure of what Jason wants from me? Chai….am not that girl that snatches other peoples boyfriend but then….Funtola was cheating on her fiancé….and Jason never claimed her…please I need advise…I am very nervous.


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A passionate people and godly relationship advocate!...Trained Psychologist and Human Resources Practioner. A seasoned Marriage and relationship counsellor. A mother, wife, sister, friend and daughter. J


  1. Dear poster,you and your friend are just playing and I pray you don’t learn the hard way…

    Your friend broke up with her fiance and even neglected the fact that she has been engaged to be married because of one “in drive guy”,a play boy wey sabi use girls and dump,a guy with sugar coated lips,a guy that can sweet talk a lady to his bed and give her what she wants….

    Is this how you people fall in love? You’re just in love with a guy who’s not even into you,what are the criteria for falling in love with him sef? Ohhhhh, because he can knack anything knackable abi,he can make you get to cloud 9,okwaya?

    So that day you went home with him and then went to work from his place,which cloth did you wear to work or you repeated the same cloth you wore the previous day to work? Hummmm

    Dear poster with a good and bad conscience, you’ve already said you’re not the kind of person that snatches people’s boyfriend and you knew this guy was knacking your friend and colleague and you still went to collect your share of his gbola….

    Leave the guy alone and concentrate more on how to get a serious guy that has good intentions, if possible a guy that wants to settle down…..

    Leave “in drive guy” abi na bolt or uber guy alone and focus on your life,career,work, future and well being,that guy na better player,plays like Merci and scores like Ronaldo,thank God say none of una done carry belle…..

    Ire ooooooo

  2. You betrayed your friend Funtola, and it’s unfair. Leave her fiancé alone and wait for the right person for you. If you know your friend is dating someone, courtesy demands that you don’t flirt with them. However, I appreciate your openness.

  3. Call a meeting of all three of you and scatter the table. Let everyone know what is up. There is no point hiding it. The ultimate call is for Jason to choose who he wants.

  4. You didn’t want to look cheap, yet you had sex with him the first day you were alone with him knowing that your friend has been having the same thing.
    Co-sharing the same guy with your friend. What can be cheaper than that?

    There’s nothing like love in your relationship with him. You are only consumed by the lust for a Casanova who is good at what he does.

    Cut off from him. Stop that relationship. Someone that was involved with your friend to your knowledge, only to turn to you the moment she wasn’t available, what kind of person is that?

    Your feelings are already telling you he’s a bad boy who uses girls for fun and dumps them. Why not give that your feeling a benefit of doubt?

  5. Three of you destroying yourselves, sex is only for marriage sister. You are cheap sister, very cheap, and I’m sure, you will expect a man that wants to marry you to pay bride price for you that is not a virgin, that aside.

    You are being unserious with your life and health, fornication is a very grievous sin, and highly destructive destructive, flee from it right now. Forget him totally, tell your friend about it, but assure her, you are done with him, don’t try to meet him.

    You women love lies and deceit, so men know how to get you, sebi, you women like bad boys/fuck boys. It’s one reason I can’t trust women, they are easy to deceive, just give them flows, lines and lies, they will lose their senses, lol. You even asked, is he using you, lol, both of you are using each other, both of you had sex, and you are destroying yourselves.

    To the men, that worship women, this is how the woman you give salary monthly, spend foolishly for, pay rent for, and act stupidly for, this is how they sleep around and lie to you, even while being sexed by other men, they call you to send money to them, and to lie to you they love you, lol.

    Sister, forget the guy and confess your evil acts to GOD.

    I wish you well


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