HomeAdviceIs My Girlfriend Being Deceitful Or Not?-Please Advise

Is My Girlfriend Being Deceitful Or Not?-Please Advise


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Is My Girlfriend Being Deceitful Or Not?-Please Advise

Please share my story.

My girl told me she missed her period. Days later, one morning, I got a lab result and test strip positive pic on Whatsapp, a text mssg and 3 missed calls. I then chatted her up.She was like she wasn’t ready and would like to abort it.

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I told her I am ok with the decision. She said it was 20k and 5k for some drugs. she would like to do the procedure just yesterday Monday. So before the D-day, she has been telling me how remorseful she is. When should she expect the alert.

Unknown to her, I did an image search of the test strip photo she sent to me. I found the photo on Google. I then proceeded to enquire from my guy who is close to her friend if there is anything like that.

As she said that She and that her friend went to the lab together and would go to the clinic on the D-day. The friend confirmed to my guy. There was no test result she knew of. I decided to play along.

On the D-day. She was asking why haven’t I still sent the money. She and her friend wants to go.I told her she should tell me the truth.But she got angry if it was because of the money.

I then sent her the Google photo and all proof about the games I knew she was playing. She was doubfounded. I asked her why she did all that.

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She took long. Then started begging. That she was scared that she has not seen her period, but she has been doing strip test. It was all negative. Although she took postinor 2 a particular time. So she doesn’t know if that’s the cause. She would have used the money for scan and massage and to know what to take. She has been begging since.

So what do you guys think. My trust for her has decreased. For a girl to be this deceitful and feel like she can play scam so well.I don’t know if she is still lying because I am in another state for work right now.

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Should I just forgive her and still give her the complete money or I should reconsider my relationship status with her. Although I have sent her 5k to do a blood test again today.


Anonymous Email Post

Photo Credit:depositphotos

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A passionate people and godly relationship advocate!...Trained Psychologist and Human Resources Practioner. A seasoned Marriage and relationship counsellor. A mother, wife, sister, friend and daughter. J


  1. Two of you deserve each other (I am trying to be respectful enough, I would have used a harsh word here). So, you were okay with her having an abortion, that is, you are aiding murder. I am sure that you would have jilted her at the end of the day and married someone with ‘womb’. And God would have been clapping for you from heaven, right? Your case is just a deceiver dating a fellow deceiver. As for the lady,I don’t know what to say at all. Imagine lying with a huge thing as abortion just to get 25k. It’s well with you both.

  2. She lied to you about it. She will still lie to you again and again. A relationship cannot thrive in the absence of honest communication

  3. This act is only carried out if the man is a stingy type,n am sure u are one of such men there who thinks that it’s ok to sleep with a girl but not ok to care for the girl,if not y will a girl want to lie to her man if the man is not an aka gum? Just imagine u going from one place to another n from one person to another asking n trying to fyn out how many persons ur girl spoke to about her pregnancy ? Who does that in this time n age for Heaven’s sake? Or do u think that it’s everything u tell someone weda friend or sister? Things like pregnancy out of marriage is not something that someone should be proud of in case u don’t know let alone telling everybody about it,n if ur girlfriend liked to u she must have her reasons. Not supporting lies don’t get me wrong,but u must have pushed her to certain limit before she decided to lie to u. N one thing u must do is to stop sleeping with the girl becos u don’t even love her let alone being ready to take the responsibility of being a father

  4. It’s better to carry out another test just for confirmation sake because at the end there might be a truth in all to avoid had I know o and talking of forgiveness its key to every human relationship… so I advise you forgive her and ensure she goes for the test.

  5. Hello,

    If this really happened…trust has been tried and failed.

    Whatever she needed the money for,she could have just told you. To pin an unreal pregnancy on you is not right.

    Give her the money as a friend but your relationship is up to you.

    Perhaps you can learn to forgive her . If not…move on….

    All the best.


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